The calculator we use, we can find the logarithmic operations like log base e and log base 10. So, the question arises what shall we do if we want to calculate log base 2 or log to the base any number other than log base e and log base 10. The answer is within your calculator. You just need to recall a logarithmic formula read in mathematics. The formula is :
/ logd(b) = logb(a)
So, if you want to calculate log(x) with base 2 then use the formula in your calculator as:
/ log10(2) =
or, you can use
/ ln(2)=
Similarly, you can calculate log to the
base any number using above formula.
For example:
log2(4)= ln(4)
/ ln(2)=2
log2(8)= ln(8) / ln(2)=3
log2(3)= ln(3) / ln(2)=1.584962501