Saturday, August 5, 2023

Difference between 'dnf' and 'yum' in Centos

`dnf` (Dandified YUM) has become the default package manager in CentOS 8 and newer versions. Both `dnf` and `yum` are package managers used in CentOS and other RPM-based Linux distributions, but there are some differences between the two:

1. **Performance**: `dnf` is generally faster and more efficient than `yum`. It uses the libsolv library for dependency resolution, which is more powerful and faster than the `yum`-based resolver.

2. **Command syntax**: While both `dnf` and `yum` have similar command structures, some commands and options may differ slightly between the two. For example, `dnf` uses "group" instead of "groupinstall" and "module" instead of "module install".

3. **Dependencies and plugins**: `dnf` uses a plugin model that's different from `yum`. Some plugins may be available for one but not the other, or they might have different implementations.

4. **Transaction history**: `dnf` keeps its transaction history in SQLite format, while `yum` uses the simpler "yum history" command.

5. **Default behavior**: In CentOS 8 and later, `dnf` is the default package manager, and `yum` is still available but not installed by default. In earlier versions of CentOS, `yum` was the default.

6. **User experience**: `dnf` provides better feedback during the command execution and generally has more user-friendly output.

Keep in mind that since `dnf` has been adopted as the default package manager, it is recommended to use `dnf` in CentOS 8 and newer versions for compatibility and better performance. If you are using an older CentOS version that still uses `yum`, consider upgrading to a newer release to take advantage of `dnf`.


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