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Thursday, February 9, 2017



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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Android game...

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Some programs made in visual basic with source code...

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Audio amplifier using IC made in PCB Wizard...

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Monday, December 26, 2016

Proposal for mini project in C++

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Sunday, December 25, 2016

History of Egypt.

History of Egypt

Thirty of these amazing buildings can be seen in different places of Egypt. 
    Five thousands years ago the lands along river Nile was ruled by powerful kings, 
   called Pharaohs. These ancient Egyptians believed in a life after death. 
   So when pharaoh died  he was buried, and many treasures were buried with 
   him to take to the next world. To honour him, great pyramids were built. His body
   and the treasures were put in the very middle of the pyramids. In these tombs, pictures
   of everyday life were painted on the walls. These are called hieroglyphics. The biggest
   pyramid is called the Great pyramid. It is 144  metres high, and its base has sides 
   230 metres along. Two millions blocks needed. Each blocks weighed 2000 kg. They
   were cut out of the ground with wooden, copper or stone tools. They were pulled by 
   great gangs of men, and they were put into boats. They carried to the site of the 
   pyramid. They were then shaped so that they all fitted exactly.
         The Egyptians had special way of wrapping dead bodies, with special chemicals.
         This made the bodies last for thousands of years. These bodies are called `mummies`.
         The mummy of Pharaoh was put in a wooden coffin, and then covered with a wonderful
         gold mask. In November 1922 the entrance to a Pharaoh’s tomb was uncovered. No 
         one had been in it for over three thousand years. It was full of treasures. It
          was the tomb of Tut- ankh- amen. The  pharaoh died while he was still    only a boy. His 
          body was covered with a wonderful gold mask. So we even know what Tutankhamen
          looked like.                                       
          For a long time modern people tried to read the hieroglyphics. Then in 1799 a big flat
          stone tablet was found at a place called Rosetta. On it was written the same things 
          in Greek and in hieroglyphics. Greek is easily read. So the two were compared, and 
          the meanings of lots of hieroglyphics were found.    

A short history of George Washington.

George Washington
It was a cold winter morning on February 22, 1732. This 

was more than 200 years ago.Inside a Virginia farmhouse where it was Warm and cozy, a special baby boy was born. The baby’s name was George Washington. As little George grew up, he loved the farm and all of the animals. He loved his horse best of all. George had two  brothers who lived away. He lived with a younger sister and three younger brothers. They followed George’s every move. ‘‘Let’s play follow the leader,’’ said Betty. ‘‘George is the Leader,’’ said John. Samuel and charles agreed. George went to a small country school. He worked very hard. He was one of the smartest students. George was also the most honest boy in school. He grew up very fast. He was bigger and taller than all of the other boys. Everyone looked up to George. Sometimes George would choose games  for his                               classmates to play. ‘‘George is a natural-born leader,’’ his schoolmaster would 
say. In a school George liked to read and to write. He liked numbers. But he liked 
to make maps and measure land best of all. This is called surveying. George practiced
 by measuring the vegetables gardens on his farm. Many farmers wanted George to
 survey their land. It would help them to know how much seed to buy when it was
 time to plant their crops. George was only a boy of sixteen. But the farmers trusted 
him. They knew George was very smart and honest. ‘‘He will do a perfect job,’’ one 
farmer said to another. George’s big brother, Lawrence, took him on a surveying
 trip in the Virginia wilderness. They stayed many cold and rainy days and nights. 
There were many wild animals. George learned how to take care Of himself in
 the woods. Living in the wilderness helped George to become an even greater
 leader. When he was only twenty years old he became a major in the Virginia army.  
In 1754 a war broke out. French settlers and Native  Americans in the Ohio valley
 would not let the English settlers have farms there. George Washington was called
 to help the English settlers. He was now Colonel Washington. He led the English 
soldiers and they won the war. Everyone looked up to Colonel Washington. One
 day, met a lovely lady named Martha Custis. She was a widow with two children. 
They fell in love and married in 1759. George and Martha Washington moved
 into a beautiful mansion in Mount Vernon, Virginia. They had many parties, laughter,
 and fun in their home. But Colonel Washington was soon called to war again. 
It was 1775. America was a small country with only thirteen colonies then.
During this time England ruled America. The rulers in England were mistreating 
America. They wanted America to pay unfair taxes. A war broke out. The
 Americans chose George Washington as their leader. The war lasted eight years. 
The Colonel was now General George Washington. Through his leadership, 
the American colonies won the war. America was no longer ruled by England. 
The colonies became the United States of America. Americans were very 
happy. But the new little country needed a leader. Everyone in the land wanted 
one and only one for this job-General George Washington. So they made him the
 first President of the United States of America on April 30, 1789. On the day of his
 inauguration, President George Washington rode on a beautiful white horse on
 his way to the ceremony.  ‘‘Hooray’’ people cheered when President Washington
 stood before them to give to give his speech. Some people cried with joy. President
Washington was a great president. He traveled all over America to see what 
the country needed. He passed good laws to help America. George Washington 
was president for eight years. Afterwards, he went back to his home in Mount
 Vernon. He enjoyed good times and laughter again with Martha, his family and
Americans will never forget the first president of
their land.



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